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SciArt - Science in Music for Children

Água Mole em Pedra Dura - Josina Filipe
All for one and one for all - Josina Filipe

Água Mole em Pedra Dura (Music and lyrics by Josina Filipe)


Vento leva sementes que ficam

na terra por muito tempo

Chuva cai nessa terra

e nascem raíz, caule e folhas

Folhas caem com o tempo

e ficam no vento

e falam por ele

Tudo começa de novo

Com as sementes

que voam no vento

Wind brings the seeds into

the ground and they stay a while

raindrops drop around

bringing new life, mile by mile

Time makes roots and leaves

that enter the wind

and speak for him

All starts again

with tiny seeds

flying the wind

Água mole em pedra dura

tando dá até que fura

Water falling drop by drop

Bit by bit it breaks the rock

Chuva, folhas, vento

e água passam por aqui

Listen to the wind

into the water that´s the key 

All for one and one for all (Music and lyrics by Josina Filipe)


Look at this cell,

she loves to grow

she cares for all

she´s on her own

But there are others

that grow together

they care for what

they were ment to be

Look at this cell

she will become me

after dividing so carefully

she started alone

but there are millions

of them now

and they have

all the knowhow

One for all, 

and all for one

all the cells will

become one

Other Songs

Time and Place

(Music and lyrics by Josina Filipe)

Barco que vem, barco que vai

(Music and lyrics by Josina Filipe)

Quase de Manhã

(Music and lyrics by Josina Filipe)

Lá Fora

(Music and lyrics by Josina Filipe)

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